Page 441 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Put Technology to Work
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 2: Implement New Technology
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
PTW Phase I – Integrated Library Meet project millstones Neighborhood Services (Library)
1.2.5 System research project
Milestone Estimated Status
Research current and new solutions offered for an Completion
integrated library system (ILS) platform. This Establish a migration research Oct. 2020 100%
platform handles all the core business processing committee comprised of
for the Library, including circulation, inventory representatives of all areas of
control, catalog, and customer account the library and partner libraries.
management. Another critical factor is ensuring Conduct a detailed literature Mar. 2021 100%
any proposed product addresses the need to review of current trends and
maintain existing integration with other library issues in library management
software and hardware. Because of the systems.
complexity of the project and the importance of Conduct an in‐depth needs Apr. 2021 100%
considering all facets, library staff will work in survey to create a
concert with the two cooperative library partners comprehensive outline of
(MPL & KPL) and City IT staff. The team will requirements.
ensure the product selected supports current Determine the best platform, June 2021 80%
needs and provides opportunities for whether it is on‐site hosted or if
enhancements and new efficiencies while a SaaS model.
delivering quality customer service to library Research available ILS/LSP Aug. 2021 100%
patrons. suited to our library system size,
budget, and future needs for
Update: development.
After garnering information from a variety of Investigate what existing July 2021 100%
avenues of research and having discussions with a supporting software or
variety of stakeholders, it was determined that hardware integrates with the
current ILS system remains a good fit. It was current ILS to determine the
determined that there are features that are not impact on specifications.
currently being used to the fullest potential. In FY Develop preliminary Sept. 2021 100%
2022, the Innovative Polaris ILS annual contract
specifications and minimum
will be renewed with a newfound focus on
requirements based on the
maximizing existing features and new features research to determine the next
recently released or made available. steps