Page 433 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Put Technology to Work
Goal 1: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
Objective 1: Provide for the Efficient Access and Appropriate Management of the City’s Data
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
PTW Open Arlington Open Datasets Published Shared Services (Office of Strategic
1.1.5 Initiatives)
The goal of Open Arlington is to provide the public Open Data Portal Users
with a platform for accessing, visualizing and 6,000
interacting with City data. It acts as a conduit between
technical and non‐technical users and increases 5,000
transparency between the City and the public. 4,000
The Open Arlington Open Data Portal provides
residents with interactive web maps as well as 2,000
downloadable datasets in spreadsheet or geospatial 1,000
format. In an effort to provide the public with relevant
and insightful information about the City, the Office of
Strategic Initiatives continues to research 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
opportunities for developing and publishing new Target Actual
datasets and/or interactive web maps onto the Open
Data Portal.
In order to assess the use and effectiveness of the
Open Arlington Open Data Portal, the Office of
Strategic Initiatives tracks use metrics through Google
Analytics. By understanding patterns of use such as
number of page views, user patterns, top datasets,
etc., OSI can continuously augment the ease and
usefulness of Open Arlington.
4,136 users* visited the Open Data Portal in the 4
quarter of FY 2021, an average of 1,379 users per
month. This represents a decrease from the 3
quarter total of 4,411 users. The Open Data Portal
now has 46 total datasets, with Health Complaint
Locations being added in the 4 quarter in addition to
the Development Dashboard, an interactive mapping
tool for exploring planning and development data.
*A tracking software glitch recorded zero data 7/10‐
7/19, so the actual number of visitors was likely higher
than 4,136.