Page 219 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 219

Organizational Chart
                                                      City Manager

                                                        Director of
                                                      Public Works

                                                     Fleet & Facilities


                                                          Fleet Services

                                                           Mechanic II

                                                            Mechanic I

        Budgeted Positions
         Position Title                                        FY2023          FY2024        FY2025
                                                                Actual         Actual         Budget
         Fleet Supervisor                                        1.00           1.00           1.00
         Fleet Services Technician                               1.00           1.00           1.00
         Mechanic II                                             1.00           1.00           1.00
         Mechanic I                                              1.00           1.00           1.00
         Total Public Works - Fleet Division FTE                 4.00           4.00           4.00

        Summary of Expenditures by Category

        Public Works – Fleet Division budget increased by $99,600. Personnel staffing adjustments and the capital FY23-
        24 one-time adjustment impacted the budget. Reallocations from the general fund vehicle maintenance and
        supplies department levels had the greatest impact on the budget increase from FY23-24.

                                                       FY2023         FY2024         FY2024           FY2025
                                                        Actual       Adopted        Projected         Budget
         Personnel                                     197,014        299,000        223,400         298,450
         Supplies                                       24,113         21,800         21,800          97,900
         Maintenance                                    4,314          4,500          7,400           43,500
         Contractual Sundry                             12,674         19,350         19,350          19,900
         Capital Outlay                                   0            17,000         17,000           1,500
         Total Public Works – Fleet Division          $238,205       $361,650        $288,950        $461,250
   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224