Page 214 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 214
Public Works –
Streets Division
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Streets Division to enhance the safety and welfare of the traveling public by effectively
and efficiently maintaining the City of Watauga’s transportation infrastructure.
Department Overview
• Provide maintenance for Watauga streets, signs, traffic signals, traffic markings, crossing flashers and
school zone flashers.
• Promote ease of mobility throughout the city by maintaining our streets in a timely, efficient, and cost-
effective manner.
• Manage annual overlay program to rehabilitate aging asphalt roads.
• Manage concrete repair contractors for annual sidewalk repair, general concrete road repairs and
resident concern repair lists.
Highlights/Achievements for FY2024
• Staffing shortages in Streets and Drainage Divisions presented the opportunity for cross training among
all staff, making both divisions more effective and productive in time of staffing issues.
• Maintained 88 miles of roads, signs, traffic signals and road markings to an acceptable manner.
• Utilizing new methods of repair with Skid Steer with milling attachment making small road repairs faster,
using less materials saving time and money.
• Continued the partnership with Tarrant County Precinct 3 to rehabilitate Chapman Road from Whitley
Road to Denton Highway.
• New striping plans for Bursey Road and Chapman have added additional bike lanes.
• Developed working relationships with three newly approved concrete repair vendors for multiple
• Resolving staffing issues to pre pandemic levels.
• Traffic Division continue to bring all school zone flashers up to current AP21 timers, phasing out the
older timers that are starting to fail.
• Developed more face-to-face safety training protocols that include daily safety briefings.
Goals/Objectives for FY2025
• Maintain 88 miles of roads, signs, traffic signals and road markings in an acceptable manner.
• Research options to downsize current paver to one that is designed towards smaller projects, current
equipment is designed for larger crews.
• Continue the partnership with Tarrant County Precinct 3 to rehabilitate 4 residential streets: Kennedy,
Whispering, Bowling and Lara Lane.
• Continue working with Storm Drain Division to complete larger projects for street and drainage issues.
• Seek opportunities to make Watauga more bike friendly.