Page 216 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 216

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                          FY2023    FY2024       FY2024      FY2025
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected  Target
         Miles of streets maintained                                     88         88          88           88
         Miles of curb and gutter maintained                            176         176         176         176
         Square yards of street rehabilitation                         9,867      16,106       9,180       10,000
         Linear feet of curb and gutter replaced                       2,834       2,000       4,000       2,500
         Number of potholes repaired                                    143         200         180         150
         Subgrade/street repairs                                         64         75          70           75

                                                                         FY2023             FY2024          FY2025
         Measurement              Strategic Goal      Measure
                                                      Type          Goal      Actual  Goal      Projected  Goal
         Maintain an 80% or
         greater road miles in    # 4. Strengthen     Efficiency      80%      81%     100%        82%        82%
         good condition.          future planning.
         Respond to street
         repairs within 5         # 4. Strengthen     Efficiency     100%      95%     100%        92%        96%
         business days from       future planning.
         Repair 90% or more of
         resident sidewalk        # 4. Strengthen     Efficiency      90%      95%     100%        98%        95%
         concerns annually.       future planning.

                 Public Works – Streets Division at a Glance

                                    Location:                         FY2025                            Full-time
                                   Water Tower                        Budget:                         Employees:
                                   7800 Virgil
                                  Anthony Blvd.                       $718,430                            8.75

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