Page 220 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 220

Performance Measures
         Workload Indicators                                          FY2023      FY2024      FY2024      FY2025
                                                                       Actual    Adopted  Projected        Target
         Work orders completed                                          657         800         700         750
         Gallons of fuel dispensed                                     38,141     62,000      62,000       62,000
         Number of preventive maintenances performed per month           35         35          18           35
         Number of city vehicles/equipment maintained                   179         300         222         240
         Number of training classes attended                             15         15           8           15

                                                                             FY2023            FY2024       FY2025
       Measurement                Strategic Goal            Measure
                                                            Type         Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
       Increase annual number  # 1. Maintain the
       of inhouse fleet repairs   financial strength of the
       completed by 1% each       City.                     Efficiency   100%      96%     100%      90%      98%
       year.                      # 2. Expand public
                                  safety through non-
                                  enforcement efforts.
       Maintain average life      # 1. Maintain the
       per policy for fleet.      financial strength of the   Efficiency   100%   100%     100%    100%     100%
                                  # 2. Expand public
                                  safety through non-
                                  enforcement efforts.
       Increase the number of     # 7. Attract, retain, and
       employee certifications    motivate qualified staff.   Efficiency   100%    28%     100%      75%     100%
       by 1% annually.

                 Public Works – Fleet Division at a Glance

                                        Location:                         FY2025                         Full-time
                                                                          Budget:                      Employees:
                                       Water Tower
                                    7800 Virgil Anthony                  $461,250                          4.00

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