Page 223 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 223

Organizational Chart

                                                   City Manager

                                                    Director of
                                                   Public Works

                                                 Fleet & Facilities

                                     Janitorial                      Building
                                      Service                     Maintenance
                                   Technician II                   Technician II

                                            Janitorial                     Building
                                      ServiceTechnician I                Maintenance
                                                                         Technician I

        Budgeted Positions
         Position Title                                                   FY2023       FY2024       FY2025
                                                                           Actual       Actual      Budget
         Fleet & Facilities Superintendent                                  1.00         1.00         1.00
         Janitorial Service Technician II                                   1.00         1.00         1.00
         Janitorial Service Technician I                                    3.00         3.00         3.00
         Building Maintenance Technician II                                 1.00         1.00         1.00
         Building Maintenance Technician I                                  1.00         2.00         2.00
         Total Public Works – Facilities Maintenance Division FTE           7.00         8.00         8.00

        Summary of Expenditures by Category

        Public Works – Facilities Maintenance Division budget decreased by $28,500 in part due to personnel costs,
        staffing, and  water tower elevator upgrade budgeted in Fiscal Year 2023-2024 adjustments.

                                                       FY2023         FY2024         FY2024           FY2025
                                                        Actual       Adopted        Projected         Budget
         Personnel                                     456,225        534,700        522,700          534,900
         Supplies                                       18,202         32,000         32,000          32,000
         Maintenance                                   159,742        137,500        146,300          106,000
         Contractual Sundry                            353,062        365,700        367,700          368,500
         Capital Outlay                                   0              0               0               0
         Total Public Works – Facilities Division     $987,232      $1,069,900      $1,068,700      $1,041,400

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