Page 183 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 183

Office of Communication & Customer Experience

              The mission of the Office of Communication and Customer Experience (OCCE) is to communicate
                                  effectively and create a World Class customer experience.


                      OFFICE OF COMMUNICATION                                PUBLIC RELATIONS                             City Department Overview
                        & CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

                                                                          CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

                                 7.0                 $905,509                     1.7%

                                                      General Fund Budget
                                   FTE                                        of the total General Fund

                                            e o
                                     Office of Communication and Customer Experience
                                                                                      omer Ex
                                                                   tion and Cus
                                                                S tr a t e gy  Map
                                                                Strategy Map
                                                   The mission of the Office of Communication and Customer Experience (OCCE) is to
                                 INTEGRITY             communicate effectively and create a World Class customer experience..
                                 TEAMWORK                   We           on Our Focus Areas
                                 EXCELLENCE                      deliver
                                                          Safety &   Infrastructure &   Partnerships &   Performance
                                                          Security   Development  Volunteerism  Management &
                                                                                            Service Delivery
                           We Serve             We Provide           We Manage              Promote
                             Our                 Financial              The
                          Customers            Stewardship            Business             Learning &
                         We do this by         We do this by        We do this by         We do this by
                       C1  Enhancing the customer  F1  Providing high value   B1  Promoting strong  L1  Collaborating
                          experience through    services through     customer service      and informing
                          transparency, innovation   efficient management of   through targeted   employees about
                          and communication.    resources.           marketing strategies and   COS culture through
                                                                     tactics.              a strong employee
                       C2  Promoting citizen and                  B2  Developing           communication program.
                          employee engagement                        and managing       L2  Fostering a positive
                          through strategic mes-                     communication and     employee engagement
                          saging.                                    customer service      and workplace culture
                                                                     programs using better   that supports the City’s
                                                                     practices.            mission and goals
                                                                  B3  Establish Southlake’s
                                                                     brand & story with
                                                                     effective marketing
                                                                     and communication
                          C = Customer Objectives  F = Financial Objectives  B = Business Objectives  L = Learning & Growth Objectives
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