Page 182 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
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Library Services - Department Goal

          CITY-WIDE GOAL: Achieve “best in class”                 Department goal: Provide a highly trained
          recognition for the development and                     and engaged staff who represent the city in a
          implementation of a strategic management                knowledgeable and professional manner while
          system that fosters and demonstrates values of          providing superior service to library patrons.
          excellence, innovation, integrity, teamwork, and
          accountability.                                         Implementation Strategy:
                                                                  •   Provide specialized training to staff members
          Department goal: Provide world-class library              to further develop their skills, knowledge and
          service.                                                  understanding of library services.
                                                                  •   Provide advanced opportunities for the
          Implementation Strategy:                                  development of leadership skills.
          •   Conduct a review of the library’s technical         •   Utilize team feedback to develop training
            systems to develop a plan for an enhanced               strategies and materials. Draw upon advancing
            discovery experience that allows for one-stop           staff to lead training for their focus area to the
            service within the library catalog.                     entire team.
   City Department Overview
          •   Provide an in-demand library collection
            through data-driven selection and curation.           CITY-WIDE GOAL: Using the model identified
          •   Provide quality programming to achieve              in the plan, proactively pursue stronger
            “excellence in library services” in service to all    community engagement using formal and
            key demographics.                                     informal processes
          •   Provide a superior customer experience
            through streamlined processes, public space           Department goal: Promote strong partnerships
            enhancements, and attentive, responsive               and volunteerism through the Library.
            service to library patrons.
                                                                  Implementation Strategy:
          CITY-WIDE GOAL: Develop a highly qualified,             •   Develop a new liaison for the volunteer
          motivated, well-trained, and innovative                   program. Evaluate the program and implement
          workforce to serve the needs of an evolving               any identified opportunities for improvement.
          community by solidifying a learning culture             •   Develop the partnership with the Library
          and implementing recommendations from the                 Foundation of Southlake to better support the
          City of Southlake’s Organizational Learning and           community.
          Development Strategic Operations Plan.                  •   Coordinate with existing community partners
                                                                    to offer joint programming that supports the
                                                                    missions of the Library and each organization.

             Performance Measures

                                                            FY 2022       FY 2023      FY 2024       FY 2025
              Performance Measure
                                                             Actuals      Actuals     Projection      Target

              Library Materials Circulation                 400,006       430,455      434,000       430,000

              Library Program Attendance                     37,622        40,986       41,000       42,000

              Library Visitors and Online Users              124,483      143,326       145,000      145,000

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