Page 184 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 184
Office of Communication & Customer Experience - Department Goals
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Delivering outstanding CITY-WIDE GOAL: Fostering positive employee
customer experiences through innovation, engagement.
passion, and a strong culture.
Department goal: Fostering a positive employee
Department goal: Establish Southlake’s brand & engagement and workplace culture that supports
story with effective marketing, communication, the City’s mission and goals
and public relations strategies.
Implementation Strategy:
Implementation Strategy: • Share and celebrate the employee stories that
• Enhance understanding of the City’s significant live the Southlake Values and explain “the why”
policy decisions and strive for transparency in behind our everyday work.
policy-making activities. • Provide tools and information to team members
• Increase awareness of City-related programs, to ensure they can succeed in providing world-
services, activities, and events. class customer service
• Highlight Southlake community excellence and
achievement. CITY-WIDE GOAL: Delivering outstanding
City Department Overview
• Target improved communication by focusing on customer experiences through innovation,
communication-related comments and scores passion, and a strong culture.
in the Citizen Satisfaction survey results and
conveying City efforts between surveys. Department goal: Enhancing the customer
experience through transparency, innovation, and
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Enhancing the sense of communication.
community by proactively creating community
partnerships, volunteer involvement, and citizen Implementation Strategy:
engagement opportunities. • Utilize Southlake Serves to encourage
customers to send feedback easily and create
Department goal: Promote strong customer team member accountability to respond
engagement through targeted marketing promptly with updates and resolutions and
strategies and tactics. conveying City efforts between surveys.
• Target improved customer service scores by
Implementation Strategy: focusing on comments and opportunities in
• Humanize the City of Southlake’s local the Citizen Satisfaction survey results and
government staff and officials as ethical, hard- communicating ongoing efforts between
working, customer-centric, and effective. surveys.
• Support city teams with communication and • Implement Year One of the Customer
marketing collateral to reinforce the City’s brand Experience Strategy, focusing on training team
and culture. members and capturing additional customer
• Strengthen the community and perceptions of feedback
Southlake around the City’s brand.
Performance Measures
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Performance Measure
Actuals Actuals Projection Target
Siteimprove, DCI 84.3% 83.1% 84.3% 90.0%
Citizen Satisfaction Survey - The
Employee Exceeded my Expectations 73% 75% 75% 75%
(Agree Completely/Somewhat)
Citizen Satisfaction Survey - (City
Website) Is The First Place I look for 75% 72% 72% 75%
CIty Information
184 FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book