Page 186 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
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Planning & Development Services - Department Goals
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Ensure that strategic • The Tourism Master Plan update will provide
management planning efforts reflect the guidance on initiatives and policies related to
community’s desired outcomes, anticipate trends tourism.
and risks, and so that system elements produce
measurable outcomes and successes can be The department will assist in developing newly
clearly communicated. identified Comprehensive Plan elements:
• The Community Facilities Plan will systematically
Department goal: Strengthen current planning and evaluate City owned buildings in terms of
development efforts to guide the city’s buildout in their quality-of-service delivery and prioritize
alignment with Southlake’s vision. maintenance and renovation accordingly.
Additionally, the plan will provide a level of
Implementation Strategy: community facilities that meet the needs of both
• Provide thorough, accurate, informative the existing and projected population.
and timely reviews, reports and inspections, • The Technology Master Plan will enable residents,
ensuring development is consistent with the businesses, and the City to work more efficiently,
comprehensive plan. interact with each other in new and better
• Establish tracking mechanisms and analyze ways, and increase the overall quality of offered
development trends to monitor ongoing services. Additionally, improved technology
City Department Overview
progress concerning land area, building area, and will enable the City to streamline operations,
improved property value. better monitor assets, cut costs, improve existing
• Track volume of development cases, code services, innovate new services, and improve
enforcement actions, and building permits and communications.
• Continue implementation of the Building CITY-WIDE GOAL: Provide a proactive system of
Inspections Process Improvement program to support to meet the workplace emotional and
identify customer service needs, review permit physical needs of the work force, including career
process information, and create succession enrichment and training support.
planning efforts.
Department Goal: Cultivate a positive work
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Improve accountability environment for new and existing employees
structures for stronger efficacy by streamlining that provides opportunities to build connections
systems and reinforcing strategic alignment with coworkers, encourages career growth and
throughout all levels of the organization, development, and fosters employee engagement.
through implementation tools such as
departmental business/work plans, business unit Implementation Strategy:
scorecards, comprehensive planning, and other • Encourage employees to attend conferences,
accountability mechanisms. trainings, and other work-related events to
promote career enrichment.
Department Goal: Through the development of the • Host engagement activities for employees to
Southlake Comprehensive Plan, identify necessary network/develop connections and learn about
capital projects and programs required to meet the city and department-related projects and
needs and service level demands of the community. initiatives.
Implementation Strategy: CITY-WIDE GOAL: Establish a customer service
The department will assist in updating the existing process improvement program.
Comprehensive Plan elements:
• The Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater master Department Goal: Continue to work with the
plan elements will address water, sewer and City Secretary’s Office to preserve historical
drainage needs for the community to assist documents and create easier pathways for internal
in prioritizing infrastructure and utility related and external customers to electronically retrieve
projects based on the identified need. information.
• The Sustainability Plan amendment will primarily
provide direction on economic and fiscal wellness
186 FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book