Page 181 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 181
Library Services
The mission of the Southlake Public Library is to provide access to a world-class library with access to
high demand materials, programs and services to support the educational, professional and personal
interests of the community.
LIBRARY SERVICES City Department Overview
10.50 $1,265,886 2.3%
General Fund Budget
FTE of the total General Fund
S outhlak e P ublic Libr ary S tr a t e gy Map
Southlake Public Library Strategy Map
The mission of the Southlake Public Library is to provide access to a world class
library with high demand materials, programs and services that support the
INTEGRITY educational, professional and personal interests of the community.
TEAMWORK We on Our Focus Areas
Safety & Infrastructure & Partnerships & Performance
Security Development Volunteerism Management &
Service Delivery
We Serve We Provide We Manage Promote
Our Financial The
Customers Stewardship Business Learning &
We do this by We do this by We do this by We do this by
LB Delivering outstanding LB Making data-driven LB Ensuring the library LB Establishing a
professional workplace
meets the requirements
decisions which ensure
C1 cusomer experiences by F1 the community finds B1 to be designated as a L1 which supports City
developing a culture of
learning with in-demand quality and value in the Texas accredited public values and promotes a
positive employee work
materials, services, experience.
and programs and LB Providing and LB Developing a team
embracing innovation maintaining a high- that is future ready LB Provide continuous
that is responsive to the F2 quality library facility B2 and preparing for the learning opportunities
voice of the customer. while demonstrating challenges of tomorrow L2 for the development of
LB Providing meaningful financial resposibility while meeting the needs a skilled workforce of
of today.
with taxpayer resources.
lifelong learners.
C2 opportunities for LB Seeking opportunities for LB Enhancing library
volunteerism and
partnership. grants and sponsorships services by implementing
F3 B3
to enhance the new service solutions.
community investment.
C = Customer Objectives F = Financial Objectives B = Business Objectives L = Learning & Growth Objectives
FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book 181