Page 180 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 180
Human Resources - Department Goals
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Develop a highly qualified,
motivated, well-trained, and innovative Department goal: Develop talent acquisition
workforce to serve the needs of an evolving and retention programs that result in a positive
community by solidifying a learning culture employee experience through all stages of the
and implementing recommendations from the employee lifecycle: recruitment, onboarding,
City of Southlake’s Organizational Learning development, retention, and exit.
and Development Strategic Operations Plan.
Implementation Strategy:
Department goal: Develop and implement • Implement the FY 2025 people initiatives,
effective employee engagement, employee including identified compensation and
wellbeing, and employee experience strategies benefits programs in support of the City’s
that foster a positive workplace culture, employer-of-choice strategy.
resulting in a fully engaged workforce that
exerts discretionary effort to move the CITY-WIDE GOAL: Improve accountability
organization towards its defined mission and structures for stronger efficacy by
goals. streamlining systems and reinforcing strategic
alignment throughout all levels of the
City Department Overview
Implementation Strategy: organization through implementation tools
• Administer the 2024 Employee Engagement such as departmental business/work plans,
and Wellbeing survey to evaluate employee business unity scorecards, comprehensive
engagement and wellbeing. planning, and other accountability
• Administer the 2025 Employee Benefits mechanisms.
survey to evaluate employee satisfaction with
employee benefits. Department goal: Identify, evaluate, and
• Update the Learning and Development implement process improvements to gain
Strategic Operations plan to establish a efficiencies that utilize technology solutions,
strategic and systematic approach to creating integrate new and emerging trends, and
a learning culture within an organization that improve customer service.
supports continuous improvement, innovation,
and growth. Implementation Strategy:
• Implement Enterprise ERP Human Resources
CITY-WIDE GOAL: Attract, develop, and software enhancements to improve efficiency,
retain highly qualified employees through the automate tasks, and reduce human error.
creation and implementation of an innovative
and strategic recruitment and retention
plan that ensures a diverse applicant pool,
promotes personal growth, fosters employee
engagement, and includes a dynamic and
inclusive training environment throughout an
employee’s career.
Performance Measures
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Performance Measure
Actuals Actuals Projection Target
Full-time Voluntary Turnover Rate 15.70% 13.00% 15.00% 8.00%
Time-to-Fill Vacant Positions 150 days 122 days 90 days 90 days
Value of Volunteer Time $457,113 $626,112 $755,027 $600,000
180 FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book