Page 54 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 54
Department: Non-Departmental Fund: General
The Non-Departmental function provides funds for miscellaneous items that do not fall within a single
departmental activity or which can be most efficiently handled in aggregate for the entire General Fund.
Department Expenditures
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
Personnel Services $2,987,750 $3,034,544 $3,034,544 $3,311,776
Purchased Services 21,568 14,004 19,004 150,000
Interdepartmental - - - -
Misc Operating Expenses 4,037,411 5,172,474 4,711,904 5,375,000
Debt Service - - - -
Reimbursements 120,000 164,486 164,486 164,486
Transfers Out 14,574,491 10,064,150 10,064,150 9,705,986
Total Appropriations $21,741,220 $18,449,658 $17,994,088 $18,707,248
Personnel Summary
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
Non-Departmental - - - -
Full-Time - - - -
Part-Time - - - -
Frozen Full-Time - - - -
Frozen Part-Time - - - -
Total 0 0 0 0