Page 52 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 52

Department:  Municipal Court                                     Fund:  General

            The Municipal Court Department is the judicial branch of municipal government and must remain neutral in
            adjudicating all cases. It is the court's responsibility to provide courteous service to citizens in the disposition
            of cases, to be timely and efficient, and to operate in accordance with applicable state statutes.

                                                  Department Expenditures

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod           Projection         Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024         2024/2025

            Personnel Services             $1,714,108         $1,949,425        $1,808,524         $1,989,074

            Purchased Services               32,395             36,927            40,023             39,674

            Supplies & Materials             62,485             29,675            22,810             70,700

            Maintenance & Repair                -                  -              100,000           174,000

            Interdepartmental                103,068           111,913            111,913            57,321
            Misc Operating Expenses           1,004                -               1,105                -

            Capital Outlay                    5,734             6,255              6,264             81,264

            Reimbursements                      -              (10,000)           (10,000)              -

            Debt Service                      373                  -                 -                  -

            Total Appropriations           $1,919,167         $2,124,195        $2,080,639         $2,412,033

                                                    Personnel Summary

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod           Projection         Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024         2024/2025

            Court Services                     32                 31                32                 32
            Security                            1                 1                  1                  1

            Full-Time                          25                 23                23                 20
            Part-Time                           8                 9                 10                  7
            Frozen Full-Time                    -                  -                 -                  3
            Frozen Part-Time                    -                  -                 -                  3
            Total                              33                 32                33                 33

   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57