Page 49 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 49

Department:  Judiciary                                          Fund:  General

             The Judiciary Department is the judicial branch of municipal government and must remain neutral in
             adjudicating all cases. The court is responsible for providing courteous service to citizens in the disposition of
             cases, being timely and efficient, and operating in accordance with applicable state statutes.

                                                  Department Expenditures

                                              Actual          Appr/Mod          Projection          Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024         2024/2025

             Personnel Services             $444,262          $485,084           $485,084          $495,601
             Purchased Services              80,073             91,683            91,683            91,683

             Supplies & Materials             1,751             2,027             2,027              2,027

             Interdepartmental                6,661             7,989             7,989                -

             Travel & Training                 143              2,100             2,100              2,100

             Total Appropriations           $532,890          $588,883           $588,883          $591,411

                                                    Personnel Summary

                                              Actual          Appr/Mod          Projection          Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024         2024/2025

             Judicial                           3                 3                  3                 3

             Full-Time                          3                 3                  3                 3
             Part-Time                          -                  -                 -                 -
             Frozen Full-Time                   -                  -                 -                 -
             Frozen Part-Time                   -                  -                 -                 -
             Total                              3                 3                  3                 3

   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54