Page 47 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 47
Department: Human Resources Fund: General
The Human Resources (HR) Department is responsible for administering citywide HR functions including HR
policies and procedures; recruitment and selection; benefits administration; training; awards and recognition
programs; job classification; pay plan administration; employee relations; grievances; investigations of alleged
discrimination; substance abuse programs; maintenance of manual and computerized employee information
records and reports; police and fire civil service administration, including testing; coordinating civil service
commission meetings and hearings; and maintenance of local civil service regulations.
Department Expenditures
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
Personnel Services $1,048,030 $1,111,682 $1,083,431 $1,152,881
Purchased Services 173,546 156,757 151,984 198,373
Supplies & Materials 7,233 8,700 8,700 8,500
Maintenance & Repair - 24,000 24,000 73,149
Interdepartmental 19,982 23,967 23,967 -
Travel & Training 71,467 92,283 87,898 143,350
Capital Outlay 1,811 1,980 1,980 1,980
Debt Service 118 - - -
Reimbursements (202,392) (216,188) (216,188) -
Total Appropriations $1,119,795 $1,203,181 $1,165,772 $1,578,233
Personnel Summary
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
HR Administration 9 9 10 10
Full-Time 9 9 9 9
Part-Time - - 1 -
Frozen Full-Time - - - -
Frozen Part-Time - - - 1
Total 9 9 10 10