Page 42 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 42

Department:  Economic Development                                 Fund:  General

            The Economic Development Department retains and expands local business, recruits new business and
            investment, and markets the community as a place to do business, resulting in new jobs, an expanded tax
            base and economic diversification.

                                                  Department Expenditures

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod           Projection         Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024          2024/2025

            Personnel Services              $689,175           $736,829          $616,568           $767,730

            Purchased Services               114,436           146,524            148,124           137,502

            Supplies & Materials             18,511             15,250            13,650             13,650

            Maintenance & Repair              1,870             17,188            17,188             26,720

            Interdepartmental                11,101             13,315            13,315                -
            Travel & Training                24,812             29,214            29,214             51,800

            Capital Outlay                      -               24,718            24,718                -

            Debt Service                        -                  -                 -                  -

            Reimbursements                  (122,400)          (126,403)         (126,403)              -

            Total Appropriations            $737,505           $856,635          $736,374           $997,402

                                                    Personnel Summary

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod           Projection         Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024          2024/2025

            Economic Development                5                  5                 5                  5

            Full-Time                           5                  5                 5                  5
            Part-Time                           -                  -                 -                  -
            Frozen Full-Time                    -                  -                 -                  -
            Frozen Part-Time                    -                  -                 -                  -
            Total                               5                  5                 5                  5

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