Page 40 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 40

Department:  Communications & Marketing                          Fund:  General

            The Communications & Marketing Department keeps citizens, businesses, the City Council, and City
            employees informed about City government; promotes City programs, services, and events; facilitates one-
            and two-way communication; and disseminates news about the City in an accurate, timely, and credible

                                                  Department Expenditures

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod           Projection         Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024         2024/2025

            Personnel Services              $262,946          $385,741           $385,741           $981,512

            Purchased Services               164,761           200,895            201,195           175,158

            Supplies & Materials             18,226             21,850            21,850             22,310

            Maintenance & Repair                -               2,293              2,293             35,910

            Interdepartmental                 4,440             5,326              5,326             7,960
            Travel & Training                 3,362             3,656              3,356             8,436

            Capital Outlay                   69,540             62,179            62,179             62,000

            Debt Service                      586                  -                 -                  -

            Reimbursements                   (81,590)          (87,591)           (87,591)              -

            Total Appropriations            $442,271          $594,349           $594,349          $1,293,286

                                                    Personnel Summary

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod           Projection         Adopted
                                            2022/2023         2023/2024          2023/2024         2024/2025

            Marketing                           2                  5                 5                  9

            Full-Time                           2                  5                 5                  9
            Part-Time                           -                  -                 -                  -
            Frozen Full-Time                    -                  -                 -                  -
            Frozen Part-Time                    -                  -                 -                  -
            Total                               2                  5                 5                  9

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