Page 35 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 35

General Fund
                                                         Major Revenue
                                                       Assumption Model

            Souce of Income                              Assumption

            Licenses and Permits
            Trade Registration/License                   Based on historical and monthly trends
            Restaurant License                           Based on the number of licenses in current year
            Building Permit                              Based on estimated permits, historical & monthly trends
            Electrical Permit                            Based on estimated permits, historical & monthly trends
            Plumbing Permit                              Based on estimated permits, historical & monthly trends
            Sign Permit                                  Based on estimated permits
            Burglar Alarm Permit                         Based on historical and monthly trends
            Gas Well Permits                             Based on current and proposed wells per pad site

            GPISD Revenue                                Based on staffing and contract with GPISD
            Miscellaneous Income
            Sale of Surplus Property                     Based on historical and monthly trends
            Phone Pay Station                            Based on historical and monthly trends
            Sports Corp. Reimbursement                   Based on Sports Corp agreement

            Indirect Costs
            Indirect Cost Airport                        Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Cable                          Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost CDBG                           Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Cemetery                       Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost HTMT                           Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Lake Parks                     Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Section 8                      Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Solid Waste                    Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Stormwater Utility             Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Transit Grant                  Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Wastewater                     Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Indirect Cost Water                          Based on Indirect Cost study allocation
            Salary Allocation                            Based on Salary Allocation study allocation

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