Page 32 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
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                                             FY 2024-25 APPROVED OPERATING BUDGET
                                                    SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS

                                                   - Budget At-A-Glance -

                                                     2021-22      2022-23     2023-24     2023-24      2024-25
                EXPENDITURES BY FUND:                  Actual      Actual      Budget      Estimate   Approved

                General                            78,371,735  80,182,789  80,016,454   85,106,983  88,581,632
                Convention & Visitors Bureau       17,304,697  23,351,781  24,867,074   23,983,973  27,510,823
                CVB Leisure & Incentives            4,511,868   5,937,846   4,980,602    5,728,488   5,009,419
                Stormwater Drainage                 1,682,111   1,548,419   1,552,532    3,162,321   2,182,679
                Crime Control & Prevention         19,563,530  21,239,913  23,109,049   23,244,156  24,229,388
                Lake Parks                          2,943,934   3,066,245   3,061,290    2,684,270   3,401,294
                4B Transit                         12,698,859  13,916,048  14,062,500   15,553,685  15,937,500
                Economic Development                4,599,205   4,154,583   4,135,511    6,009,399   5,654,215
                Debt Service                       14,878,255  14,502,970  14,504,118   14,654,118  17,069,600
                Utility Enterprise                 32,790,253  37,313,452  31,417,698   37,858,889  39,850,115
                Golf Course                        3,520,215    6,504,958   6,457,049    6,773,900   7,139,400
                Permanent Capital & Street Maintenance  959,323  4,218,884  4,170,000    4,170,000   4,899,450
                TOTAL                             193,823,985  215,937,888  212,333,877  228,930,182  241,465,515

                                                     2021-22     2022-23      2023-24     2023-24      2024-25
                PERSONNEL BY FUND:                     Actual      Actual      Budget      Estimate   Approved

                General                               321.50      321.50      322.50       322.50      329.50
                Convention & Visitors Bureau          69.00        69.00       70.00        70.00       70.00
                Stormwater Drainage                    8.00         8.00        8.00         8.00        8.00
                Crime Control & Prevention            132.00      132.00      132.00       132.00      132.00
                Lake Parks                             4.50         4.50        5.00         5.00        5.00
                Economic Development Fund              3.50         3.50        3.50         3.50        3.50
                Utility Enterprise                    51.20        51.20       50.70        50.70       50.70
                Golf Course                           24.00        25.00       25.00        25.00       25.00
                Grapevine Housing Authority            1.00         1.00        1.00         1.00        1.00
                TOTAL                                 614.70      615.70      617.70       617.70      624.70

                (1)  In full-time equivalents
                (2)  The Grapevine Housing Authority receives a subsidy from HUD for management and operations.

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