Page 37 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 37
Department: City Attorney's Office Fund: General
The City Attorney's Office supports the City of Grand Prairie by drafting ordinances and resolutions, preparing
contracts and other documents, representing the City in court, and rendering legal advice in a timely, accurate,
and courteous manner to facilitate the development of the City Council’s vision for the betterment of the City.
Department Expenditures
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
Personnel Services $1,254,734 $1,442,286 $1,442,286 $1,617,195
Purchased Services 324,229 192,767 192,767 301,856
Supplies & Materials 2,393 4,000 4,000 4,000
Maintenance & Repair 14,649 1,000 1,000 27,378
Interdepartmental 19,982 26,629 26,629 -
Travel & Training 11,066 13,500 13,500 20,000
Total Appropriations $1,627,053 $1,680,182 $1,680,182 $1,970,429
Personnel Summary
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
City Attorney's Office 10 10 10 10
Full-Time 10 10 10 10
Part-Time - - - -
Frozen Full-Time - - - -
Frozen Part-Time - - - -
Total 10 10 10 10