Page 39 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 39
Department: City Manager's Office Fund: General
The City Manager’s Office develops, recommends, and implements policies and sets direction and objectives
of the City of Grand Prairie through the guidance of the City Council to ensure the orderly and proper growth of
the City and the provision of quality and efficient municipal service to the citizens.
Department Expenditures
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
Personnel Services $2,790,348 $2,539,476 $2,539,476 $2,721,724
Purchased Services 478,356 618,466 601,166 607,975
Supplies & Materials 13,682 38,111 36,411 12,450
Interdepartmental 26,642 31,955 31,955 -
Travel & Training 51,351 60,000 60,000 90,000
Capital Outlay 2,137 38,340 52,340 38,512
Debt Service 139 - - -
Reimbursements (444,406) (482,287) (482,287) -
Total Appropriations $2,918,249 $2,844,061 $2,839,061 $3,470,661
Personnel Summary
Actual Appr/Mod Projection Adopted
2022/2023 2023/2024 2023/2024 2024/2025
Operations Management 9 10 10 12
City Secretary 4 4 4 4
Community Inclusion 2 2 2 1
Business Diversity - 1 1 1
Full-Time 13 15 15 13
Part-Time 2 2 2 2
Frozen Full-Time - - - 3
Frozen Part-Time - - - -
Total 15 17 17 18