Page 31 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 31

City of Grand Prairie
                                                       General Fund
                                                    Revenue by Source

                                                         2022-23        2023-24         2023-24        2024-25
            Source of Income                             Actual         Modified       Projection      Adopted
            Charges for Services (continued)
             Chg For Peace Officer Ot                                      370                       -                       -                       -
             Open Records Act Request                                      119                       -                       185                       120
             Payment Plan Revenue                                     (1,590)                       -                       -                       -
             Ambulance Service Accrual                                 31,726                       -                       -                       -

            Subtotal Chargers for Services:           $          6,402,058  $        6,613,200  $        6,369,898  $          7,438,914

            Fines and Forfeitures
             Municipal Court Fines                    $          4,553,068  $          4,730,000  $          4,730,000  $          4,900,000
             Court Costs- Admin Fees                                 176,340                154,000                154,000                180,000

             Child Safety Fund Fines                               142,582                145,200                145,200                142,200
             False Burglar Alarm Fees                                151,250                148,500                148,500                133,500
             Time Payment Fee                                          66,044                 71,500                 71,500                   71,500

             Library Fines                                             7,591                    8,910                    8,810                    8,810
             Swim Pool/Spa Late Fee                                          50                       275                       250                         50
            Subtotal Fines and Forfeitures:           $          5,096,925  $          5,258,385  $        5,258,260  $        5,436,060

            Franchise Fees

             Electricity Franchise Fees               $        6,764,389  $          7,012,940  $          6,792,000  $          6,812,940

             Water Franchise                                    2,310,257             2,405,278             2,379,277             2,405,278
             Gas Franchise Fees                                  2,394,179             2,466,005             2,183,655             2,186,000
             Wastewater Franchise                               1,454,488             1,693,197             1,669,196             1,693,197

             Solid Waste Franchise                               1,500,762             1,495,708             1,576,000             1,672,929
             Cable TV Franchise                                     717,898                704,569                660,357                692,125
             Telephone Franchise                                    391,524                415,446                405,446                405,446
             Storm Wtr Util Franchise Fee                          327,838                328,020                341,282                341,141

             Accrued Franchise Fee Revenue                             46,853                (36,451)                (51,895)                (53,971)
            Subtotal Franchise Fees:                  $      15,908,188  $        16,484,712  $        15,955,318  $        16,155,085

            License Fees and Permits

             Building Permit                          $         1,549,483  $        1,700,097  $          1,524,444  $        1,524,444

             Gas Well Annual Permit Fee                            442,750                480,975                475,750                475,750
             Restaurant License                                     399,747                393,223                419,100                419,100
             Alarm Permit Renewal                                   193,504                225,500                225,500                215,500
             Plumbing Permit                                         151,980                181,500                148,866                170,000
             Trade/Registration/License                                86,350                   13,200                   75,000                   75,000
             Electrical Permit                                         42,120                 57,063                   40,600                 45,316

             Sign Permit                                              37,019                 38,115                   32,398                   35,534

             Fire Building Permits                                   77,798                       -                       -                       -

             Alarm Permit Fees                                       30,075                 29,150                 29,150                 26,000

             Gas Well Permitting Fee                                   71,500                       -                       -                       -
             Mixed Bev. Alc. Bev. Permit                               26,225                 31,856                 31,856                   31,856

             Leases/Licenses Revenue                                 55,137                       -                       -                       -

             New Application Permit Admin F                            25,030                   17,875                   17,875                   17,875

             Dance Floor Permit                                        16,000                   9,900                 16,000                 16,000

             Itinerant Food Permit                                     10,000                   13,783                 13,783                 13,783

             Flood Plain Permit Fee                                    11,545                 10,395                   10,395                   10,915

             On-Premise Alc. Bev. Permit                             10,963                     9,350                    9,350                    9,350
             Billboard Permit Renewal Fee                                7,875                    9,585                    8,147                    8,147

             Temporary Food Permit                                   13,300                   5,500                    8,900                    8,900

             Off-Premise Alc. Bev. Permit                              7,675                    8,976                    8,976                    8,976

             Gas Well Amended Permit Fee                               30,000                     3,300                    3,000                    3,000
             Day Care Center Permit                                      4,360                    4,345                    4,449                    4,345

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