Page 55 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 55

Department:  Planning and Development                               Fund:   General

          The Planning and Development Department promotes and regulates quality and planned growth through
          Grand Prairie by assisting customers in the development process, providing accurate land use information,
          and assuring safe construction through plan review and field inspections in a timely and courteous manner.

                                                 Department Expenditures

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod            Projection          Adopted
                                           2022/2023          2023/2024           2023/2024          2024/2025

          Personnel Services              $3,084,732          $3,773,738         $3,538,011         $3,832,011

          Purchased Services                49,894              48,273             59,539              59,006

          Supplies & Materials              70,407              81,180             68,797              72,262

          Maintenance & Repair                  -               7,500                 -                   -

          Interdepartmental                 135,926            153,962             154,050             56,903

          Misc Operating Expenses             (10)                 -                  -                   -

          Travel & Training                 20,968              22,480             22,200              22,200

          Capital Outlay                    72,631             147,127             137,873             6,107

          Debt Service                        157                  -                  -                   -

          Reimbursements                    17,368              16,299             16,299                 -

          Total Appropriations            $3,452,073          $4,250,559         $3,996,769         $4,048,489

                                                    Personnel Summary

                                             Actual           Appr/Mod            Projection          Adopted
                                           2022/2023          2023/2024           2023/2024          2024/2025

          Plan & Dev Admin.                    1                   1                  1                   1
          Bldg.  Inspections                   29                 29                  30                 30
          Planning and Dev.                    6                   6                  7                   8
          Current and Comp Plan                6                   6                  6                   5

          Full-Time                            39                 39                  41                 39
          Part-Time                            3                   3                  3                   1
          Frozen Full-Time                      -                  -                  -                   2
          Frozen Part-Time                      -                  -                  -                   2
          Total                                42                 42                  44                 44

   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60