Page 86 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
P. 86

City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                       General Fund                                               City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                      General Fund

                                                                                                                                                                                            Actual     Adopted       Projected    Adopted
                    Mission Statement                                                                                                EXPENDITURES                                          FY 2022      FY 2023      FY 2023      FY 2024
                                                                                                                                     Personnel                                              $593,703     $917,664      $748,954     $988,526
            To perform maintenance of streets, drainage and traffic control systems in a manner that will                            Operations                                              548,520      521,100       508,100      606,854
            provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic and to ensure flow of storm water through                         Capital                                                  33,039      635,000       635,000      102,670
            the enclosed drainage collection system.                                                                                 Total                                                $1,175,262    $2,073,764    $1,892,054  $1,698,050

            The Street Maintenance Department general duties and responsibilities include: maintain and                                                                                     Actual     Adopted       Projected    Adopted
            repair streets, sweep streets and curbs, maintain and install traffic control devices (signs, signals                    STAFFING                                 Class Range  FY 2022      FY 2023      FY 2023      FY 2024
                                                                                                                                     Street Maintenance Supervisor
            and pavement markings), maintain and mow city owned properties.                                                          Public Works Crewleader                  2905   49       2           2             2            2
                                                                                                                                     Senior Equipment Operator                2906   44       2           2             2            2
              Accomplishment of FY2023                                                                                               Sign Specialist                          2909   44       1           1             1            1
                                                                                                                                     Equipment Operator                       2910   41       3           3             3            3
                                                                                                                                     Public Works Maintenance Worker          2911   37       3           3             3            3
             •  Coordinated  with Tarrant County  Precinct 4 on major  rehabilitation  of Old Denton  Road                           Sign Technician                          2913   41       1           1             1            1
                 (North Beach Street to north of Waste Connections).  Project was an area of 10,752 square                           Total                                                   12.5        12.5          12.5         12.5
                 yards and included 8 inches thick of Lime treated Subgrade, the placement of 2,080 tons of
                 Type B (Binder), and 1,318 tons of Type D (Surface) asphalt.
             •  Removed and replaced 404 linear feet of curb and gutter, 5 drive approaches, then removed,                                                      PERFORMANCE MEASURES              Actual     Actual     Actual      Target
                 and replaced 499 square yards of subgrade at a depth of 6 inches, with 3 inches of Type D                                                Tons of asphalt utilized in patching projects  FY2021  FY2022  FY2023    FY2024
                 (Surface) asphalt at a total of 93 tons on Ridgemont Drive.                                                                              Tons of cold mix used in pothole patching  18        14         11          20
             •  Removed and Replaced 180 linear feet of curb and gutter, 26’x 8’ water valley crossing                                                    Traffic signal repair work orders completed   298   431         265        250
                                                                                                                                       Goal 6:  Address Critical
                 Ridgemont at the intersection with Glenview Drive, 586 square yards of subgrade at 6 inches                           Facility & Infrastructure   Regulatory Signs replaced       0.50       0.50        0.25       0.50
                                                                                                                                                          Miles of lane crack-sealed
                 in depth, then placed 127 tons of Type D (Surface) asphalt at 4 inches thick.                                               Needs        Miles of lane over-layed with asphalt    0.23       0.15        0.10       0.25
             •  Replacement of 1/8 of a mile lane of concrete in the 4700 block of Western Center Boulevard.                                              Miles of lane replaced at full-depth with asphalt  0.56  0.00   1.22       0.25
             •  Replaced 182 Tons of Type B (Binder) and 151 tons of Type D (Surface) asphalt in the 4100                                                 Miles of streets swept                   1,813      2,405      1,748       2,200
                                                                                                                                                          Feet of concrete curb replaced
                 block of Patricia.
             •  Replaced 156 regulatory Signs
             •  Made 265 repairs to the City’s traffic signals
             •  Swept 1,748 curb miles of streets                                                                                                  Tons of Asphalts Utilized                          Sign Replaced and Streets Swept
                  Objectives for FY2024
                                                                                                                                      2,500                                                  200                                        3,000
              •  Reeves Street – remove and replace ~20,000 square feet of asphalt in the 3400 block of                                                                                                      2,405              2,200   2,500
                  Reeves and the corresponding subgrade work.                                                                         2,000                                                  150   1,813              1,748
              •  Marlene Street  -  remove and replace 2 drive approaches, water valley crossing Loch                                                                                                                                   2,000
                  Lomond, 395 linear feet of curb and gutter in the 5700 block.                                                       1,500                                                  100                                        1,500
              •  Crack Seal 4+ lane miles of city streets                                                                                                                                     50                                        1,000
              •  Mill and overlay 0.25 miles of city streets                                                                          1,000                                                                                             500
              •  Remove and replace full depth asphalt for 0.25 miles of city streets                                                  500                                                    0     211      218       156      200     0
              •  Replace 200 feet of sidewalk throughout the city for safer passage for pedestrians.                                                                                                2021     2022     2023      2024
              •  Upgrade the traffic signals backup system at the intersection of Browning Drive and Dunson                              0     1,591      1,300      4,768       1,700
                  Drive.                                                                                                                       2021        2022       2023       2024                       Regulatory Signs Replaced
              •  Redesign the intersection of Haltom Road and Glenview Drive to incorporate ADA Ramps                                                  Asphalt Patching Projects                            Miles of Streets Swept
                  and crosswalks
              •  Add a School Flasher for Elementary School students crossing near Gene Lane and Jerri
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91