Page 40 - Southlake FY23 Budget
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Capital Acquisition Funding. The SIF is often used to provide cash funding for capital equipment or projects. For FY
2023 we are proposing to transfer $8,500,000 from the SIF to the Capital Improvements Program for the purpose
of building infrastructure and planned facilities. This cash funding will limit the need for the City to issue bonds for
General Fund CIP projects in FY 2023. A transfer to fund vehicle/large equipment replacement is also planned.
This year’s budget proposes additional expenditures of $1,218,688 in this category, to address capital purchases
needed for city operations. Replacement of Fire Department radios is proposed for funding in this category, along
with a commercial grade machine used by the Fire Department for the advanced cleaning of structural firefighting
gear. To enhance the safety and efficiency of job sites, the Public Works Department has proposed an automated
flagger assistance device.
Technology. To support the concept of high-performance management and strong service delivery, Council
identified a strategic corporate objective to “optimize the use of technology.” The Strategic Initiative Fund has
traditionally covered the cost of high impact technology solutions for the city.
Council established a Technology Infrastructure and Security Fund to ensure sustainable funding that recognizes
ongoing technological change and advancement. For FY 2023, we are proposing to transfer $1,000,000 to this fund
to cover certain technology expenses.
The Technology Infrastructure and Security Fund includes budget requests for a comprehensive network and IT
infrastructure redesign for system efficiency and security enhancements. Additionally, the ongoing implementation
of VUEWorks for fleet, facilities, and parks, as well as costs for integration are proposed for funding. A CRM software
solution for customer service management and for needs at The Marq are included in this budget, as well. Audio
visual enhancements at DPS North, in the DPS Headquarters Community Room, and at the Parkwood facility are
proposed to address aging equipment and functionality. Finally, funds are requested for the development of a
comprehensive Technology Master Plan to provide well-considered system development for the future.
Proposed expenditures for the Strategic Initiative Fund for FY 2023 total $1,468,688. Transfers to other funds total
$11,000,000. This leaves $2,661,960 of the available funds unallocated. Figure 12 shows SIF expenses by category for
FY 2023.
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Figure 12: Strategic Initiative Fund expenses by category, FY 2023
BUDGET BOOK | FY 2023 City of Southlake 39