Page 37 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 37


        The proposed budget reflects revenues of $90,000              speciAl reVenue Funds
        in fees and $500 in interest earnings for total               expenditure highlights
        revenues of $90,500.
                                                              Fund                 item             expenditure
        The ending fund balance is projected to be
        $1,249,212.                                                       SWAT replacement
                                                                          equipment                   $49,624
        Parks and Recreation Fund. This fund accounts
        for sponsorships obtained to enhance City special
        events, programs, athletic fields, and parks for                  AEDs for patrol vehicles
        which sponsorships are granted.                                   (4)                          $7,889

        The proposed budget reflects revenues of $46,500
        in donations, sponsorships, tournament fees,                      Guardian Angel lights for    $6,500
        and $600 in interest earnings for total revenues                  officers
        of $47,100. Expenses are estimated at $82,500
        leaving the fund with a projected balance of
        $113,089.                                                         Weapon safes                 $6,500

        Police Services Fund. This fund has been         Police Services
        established to account for revenue associated with   Fund         Property Room
        asset forfeitures. For FY 2023, interest income                   commercial-grade             $6,500
        of $100 is the only anticipated revenue, but a                    refrigerator
        beginning fund balance of $122,456 is available for
        use. Total expenditures of $86,061 are planned to                 Locker for seized
        address various Police Department needs. Ending                   electronics (cell phones,    $5,500
        fund balance is projected to be $36,495.                          tablets, etc.)

        Public Art Fund. The Public Art Fund was
        established to account for funding that is available              Annual narcotics training    $2,350
        for the promotion, creation, installation, and/or
        maintenance of public art throughout Southlake.
        The Hotel Occupancy Tax financially supports                      Fleet tracking service
        the City’s public art program, and a Public Art                   renewal                      $1,199
        Master Plan has been adopted to guide program
                                                         Public Art Fund  Transfer to CIP             $100,000
        The proposed budget shows $2,000 in interest
        income based on a beginning fund balance of
                                                         Recycling Fund   Recycling education and      $5,700
        The law providing for the Hotel Occupancy Tax                     promotion
        allows up to 15% of the revenues to be used for
        public art purposes. For FY 2023 a transfer of                    Installation and network
        $256,170 from the HOT Fund is proposed.                           connection to remotely      $150,000
                                                                          monitor traffic signals
                                                         Red Light
                                                         Camera Fund
                                                                          Intersection striping       $20,000

   36     FY 2023 City of Southlake  |  BUDGET BOOK
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