Page 35 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 35


        tax dollars are restricted and may only be used for
        improvements or maintenance of facilities within the    tiF district expenditure highlights
        TIRZ #1. The City of Southlake and CISD will be the only
        participating entities with the 20-year extension.       highlight            item        expenditure

        The projects funded in the FY 2023 proposed budget
        were identified in the TIRZ #1 Project & Financing Plan,                                    5% cost of
        adopted by the Board of Directors and City Council in                   Pay adjustment    living base pay
        August/September 2018.                                                                     adjustment

        Revenue highlights. Anticipated revenues for the       Personnel
        TIF District Fund total $9,472,824, including interest
        income. Revenue projections include estimated Carroll                                       9.4% rate
        ISD payments based on a three-year average.                             Health insurance     increase

        Expenditure highlights. Total expenditures for FY 2023
        are proposed at $7,082,393. These expenditures are
        attributable to CISD TIRZ #1 projects identified in the                 Town Square
        project and financing plan, as well as personnel and   Community        public space        $450,000
        operations costs to be undertaken by the city. Projects   Enhancement   enhancement
        for FY 2023 include funding for the School Resource                     projects
        Officer program at schools located in TIRZ #1, and
        enhancements to public infrastructure in the Town
        Square environment.

        Fund balance. The ending balance is projected at $8,897,968.

                    The establishment of TIRZ #1 and the use of the captured revenues for improvements
                    in the District supports the focus area of Quality Development and the strategic
                    corporate objectives of “Providing attractive and unique spaces for the enjoyment of
                    personal interests,” and “Attract and keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic and
                    sustainable economic environment.”

        Special Revenue Funds

        The City of Southlake accounts for revenues and expenditures of dedicated or special purpose funding in special
        revenue funds as described below.

        Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Fund. State law requires that fines and forfeitures associated with commercial
        vehicle enforcement activities be segregated for accounting purposes.

        For FY 2023, we are projecting total revenues of $25,200. Expenses total $157,095. A General Fund transfer of
        $100,000 into this fund is planned. The ending fund balance is projected to be $96,242.

        Court Security. The proposed budget anticipates revenues of $34,900. Proposed expenditures of $78,580 are
        planned to enhance the overall safety of the court with the use of security personnel and other approaches. The
        projected ending fund balance is $360,410.

        Court Technology. The proposed budget anticipates revenues of $28,000. Proposed expenditures of $59,500 are
        planned to include funding for projects to optimize the use of technology for municipal court. The projected ending
        fund balance is $277,062.

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