Page 39 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 39


        Strategic Initiative Fund                                      strAtegic initiAtiVe Fund
                                                                        expenditure highlights
        At the end of each fiscal year, General Fund excess
        revenue (including indirect transfers from other funds)   highlight           item         expenditure
        and unspent appropriation become a part of the City’s
        fund balance, or reserves. When reserves exceed the                     Transfer to
        optimum level, the excess is transferred to the Strategic   Infrastructure   Facility
        Initiative Fund (SIF). Using excess reserves in this way   Maintenance  Maintenance         $1,500,000
        provides cash funding for needed projects without                       Fund
        requiring the city to borrow money for them.

        Implemented in 2006, the SIF has been used for non-
        recurring expenses and high impact projects.                            2035 Master         $150,000
                                                                                Plan Updates
        Figure 11 shows the uses of the SIF since its inception.
        The beginning SIF fund balance is $12,628,648. For FY   Enhancement
        2023, we are proposing a transfer from the General                      Engineering
        Fund of $2,500,000.                                                     digital record      $100,000
                                                                                archive program
        For FY 2023, the following projects are proposed in
        each of the categories:

        Infrastructure Maintenance Funding.  For FY 2023, we                    Tanker truck (FY    $375,000
        are proposing that $1,500,000 be transferred from the                   2022 carryover)
        SIF to the Facility Maintenance Fund. The purpose of
        this fund is to build financial capacity to address future
        maintenance projects as our facilities age.                             Automated
                                                                                Flagger              $75,000

        The Facility Maintenance Fund includes budget                           Assistance Device
        requests for roof replacement at the TW King and       Capital          (AFAD)
        Pearson Pump Stations, rebuilding aging Town Hall      Acquisition
        elevators, and updating water fountains in Town Hall.
                                                                                UniMac 65lb          $18,302
        Community Enhancement Funding.  This category of                        Extractor
        funding is set aside to provide pay-as-you-go funding
        for initiatives which will enhance the quality of life or
        aesthetics of Southlake. Additionally, this category of
        funding may be used to enhance the city’s ability to                    Transfer            $8,500,000
        provide more convenient customer service experiences                    to CIP
        for our customers. This year’s budget proposes
        expenditures of $250,000 in this category, to address
        the city’s ongoing commitment to master planning by                     Transfer to
        providing funds that may be needed for consulting and   Technology      Technology          $1,000,000
        technical studies. Additionally, funds are requested                    Infrastructure and
        to accelerate the digitization of hundreds of large                     Security Fund
        maps and large-scale plans. Records retention laws
        require the city to maintain these records but scanning
        limitations due to the size of the records and the number of maps/plans have made it impossible to properly digitally
        archive these materials. Funding will be used to outsource this extensive effort.

   38     FY 2023 City of Southlake  |  BUDGET BOOK
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