Page 44 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 44


             The Roadway Impact Fee Fund will fund projects totaling $445,000, including those shown in the table below:
                                 FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - roAdwAY impAct Fee Fund

                                                     project                                             Amount

              City Roadway Intersection Capacity Improvements                                               $210,000

              FM 1938 at West Continental Boulevard Intersection Improvements                               $225,000

             The Water Impact Fee Fund will fund projects totaling $180,000, including those shown in the table below:
                                   FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - wAter impAct Fee Fund

                                                     project                                             Amount

              System Capacity Improvements (Water) - Future Projects                                       $180,000

             The  Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee will fund projects totaling $200,000, including those shown in the table below:

                             FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - sAnitArY sewer impAct Fee Fund
                                                     project                                             Amount

              East Highland/Kimball 8-inch Sewer Line                                                       $120,000

              System Capacity Improvements (Sewer) - Future Projects                                         $80,000

             Southlake Parks Development Corporation capital budget provides $6.8 million for the ongoing design and
             development of the city’s park system, and dollars for the matching fund program.
                      FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - southlAke pArks deVelopment corporAtion

                                                     project                                             Amount

              Southlake Sports Complex                                                                    $4,000,000

              Bicentennial Park                                                                           $2,600,000

              SPDC Matching Funds                                                                           $170,000

             The Storm Water Utility Fund capital budget includes project funding in the amount of $445,000, including the
             projects shown in the table below:
                                 FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - storm wAter utilitY Fund

                                                     project                                             Amount
              North White Chapel Bridge Replacement at Kirkwood Branch / South                               $45,000
              Kirkwood Branch

              Simmons Court Drainage Improvements/Erosion Control                                           $400,000

                                                                             BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2023 City of Southlake  43
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