Page 45 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 45


          The Crime Control and Prevention District Fund capital budget includes project funding in the amount of $1.13
          million,shown below:

                                        FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - ccpd Fund
                                                 project                                             Amount

           Emergency Operations Center Relocation                                                      $1,130,000

          The Community Enhancement and Development Corporation capital budget includes project funding in the amount
          of $1.4 million for the project shown in the table below:
                                        FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - cedc Fund

                                                 project                                             Amount
           State Highway 114 Ramp Reversal Design                                                      $1,375,000

          The Public Art capital budget provides $100,000 to fund public art initiatives.

                                    FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - puBlic Art Fund

                                                 project                                             Amount
           Public Art Program                                                                           $100,000

          The Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund capital budget includes project funding in the amount of $500,000 for the project
          shown in the table below:

                             FY 2023 cApitAl Budget - hotel occupAncY tAx Fund

                                                 project                                             Amount

          Library and Multi-Use Facility                                                                $500,000

          The five-year plan does not address all identified projects. There are $400,975,088 in master plan project costs that
          are shown as unfunded and to be addressed beyond the five-year planning period.

                                                DID YOU KNOW?

                                          The City will use cash to fund 43% of General
                                          Fund capital needs.  For FY 2023, $8.5 million
                                            in cash will be used to pay for a portion of
                                            these capital projects, reducing the debt
                                                burden for property tax payers.

   44     FY 2023 City of Southlake  |  BUDGET BOOK
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