Page 145 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 145

N         O          R          T          H
           Goal #3                                                         ●                                ●
            Create value through projects and assignments that advance the skill learning of interns while contributing to overall organization
            1. Track the total hours worked of each program participant compared to standard entry-level salary rate, which informs the cost savings
            achieved by mentors and interns.

                                                                          Actual    Actual     Budget     Budget
           Performance Measures                                         2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
            Total Hours Worked by Interns                                   -        2550       3280       3950
            Total Compensation for Interns                                  -       $25,120    $29,766   $43,000
            Total Value of Work Performed by Interns                        -       $56,100    $48,400   $86,900
            Net Value of Cost Savings                                       -       $30,980    $42,394   $43,900

         Internship Program               Actual          Actual          Budget          Budget        % Change
         Summary                         2019-2020       2020-2021       2021-2022       2022-2023      2022-2023
         Personnel Services           $                     -  $                  21,711 $                48,062 $                39,575  -17.66%
         Operations                                          -                       3,507                     3,845                     3,206  -16.62%
           Total                      $                    -    $                   25,218  $               51,907  $                 42,781  -17.58%

               No full-time equivalent positions are budgeted in this department; however, the interns do receive an
               hourly compensation.

               Contact: Faith Morse, 817-276-4273

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