Page 147 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 147

N          O          R         T          H
           Goal #3                                                          ●
            Ensure proper and timely enrollment of all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council.  Publish ordinances in the
            newspaper as required by the City Charter and provide ordinances to departments by 10:00 a.m. the day after a Council Meeting.
            Administer and attend bid openings for various city departments.
            1. Have all ordinances and resolutions signed immediately following a City Council meeting.
            2. Process all ordinances and resolutions immeditaly the morning after the Council meeting.
            3. Send ordinance captions to the Star Telegram the day after the Council meeting for publication on the Friday following the meeting.
            4. Accept and log bids received, attend bid openings and take minutes, and upload bid tabulation to the City website following the
             bid opening.

                                                                          Actual     Actual    Budget     Budget
           Performance Measures                                          2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
            Ordinances enrolled                                            39         31         50         50
            Resolutions enrolled                                           101        97         100       100
            Bid openings conducted                                         14         16         20         20

         City Secretary                   Actual          Actual          Budget          Budget        % Change
         Summary                         2019-2020       2020-2021       2021-2022      2022-2023       2022-2023
         Personnel Services           $              454,843  $                429,731  $              441,460  $              438,784  -0.61%
         Operations                                     49,643                     48,497                    57,284                    74,179  29.49%
          Total                       $              504,486  $                478,228  $              498,744  $              512,963  2.85%

             City Secretary's Office                          2020-2021    2021-2022    2022-2023    2022-2023
             Full Time Equivalent Positions                    Budget       Budget        Budget      Change
             City Secretary                                       1            1            1
             Assistant City Secretary                             1            1            1
             Records Management Coordinator                       1            1            1
             Total                                                3            3            3            0

               Contact: Susana Marin, 817-276-4203

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