Page 142 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 142

Department Name:
                                                                                 Historic Downtown

              Mission Statement:
               The mission of the Historic Downtown Mansfield Program is to revitalize the downtown area and create a vibrant destination and
               livable center that supports a range of businesses, housing options, and activites for all ages.

              Services Provided:
               1. Providing a liaision and advocate for merchants, visitors, residents, and other stakeholders of Historic Downtown Mansfield.
               2. Provide a platform to promote the vitality, vibrancy, and balue of preserving and revitalizing the heart and core of the City of
               3. Spearheading revitalization through avenues such as infrastructure improvements, economic development, and community
               4. Manage mutiple grant programs which provide opportunities for increased private collaboration in the revitalization of the district.

                    CITY COUNCIL’S STRATEGIC PRIORITIES        N         O         R         T         H

                                                             Noteworthy  Organizational   Remarkable   Together       Healthy
                                                             Essentials  Excellence  Experiences  as One  Economy
                                                             Consistently   Strong team  Distinctive  Create   Sustainable assets,
                                                             high-quality   and internal   services and   community   financial strength &
                                                              services  culture  amenities  connections  growth

                                                                N         O         R         T        H
              Goal #1                                                     ●
               To implement the Historic Downtown Strategies adopted by the City Council in accordance with the short, medium, and long-term
               implementation schedule.
               1. Identify City Council "next strategies" to be prioritized to progress or accomplish in the upcoming fiscal year.
               2. Receive guidance and feedback through soliciting subcommittee input and direction.

                                                                        Actual    Actual    Budget    Budget
              Performance Measures                                     2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
                 Number of Strategies Accomplished (of 32)                -        15         8        19
                 Number of Downtown Revitalization Subcommittee Meetings  -        11         8         8

                                                                N         O         R         T        H
              Goal #2                                                               ●         ●        ●

               To support the continuation and expansion of community activities that benefit the residents and visitors to the Historic Downtown
               district through the management of grant opportunities, cross-promotion, and walkability improvements.

               1. Identify opportunities for walkability improvements, and evaluate and set short, medium and long-term recommendations.
               2. Research, advise, and make recommendations on applications received for the Community Activation Grant to identify events which
               support the Downtown Development Strategies.
               3. Grow social media following in order to expand the audience and reach of promotional and other communications.

                                                                        Actual    Actual    Budget    Budget
              Performance Measures                                     2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
               20 min Walkability Score of Downtown                       -       54/100    54/100    50/100
               Amount of Community Activation Grant funds awarded         -       26,443    100,000   50,000
               Social Media Audience Size                                 -       2,727     2,500     4,000

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