Page 35 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 35
eCOnOmiC develOPmenT invesTmenT eCOnOmiC develOPmenT invesTmenT fund
fund exPendiTure highlighTs
highlighT iTem exPendiTure
The Southlake 2035 Economic Development
Master Plan includes a recommendation to build
an economic development investment fund. Southlake
We are proposing to continue to implement this Business $182,500
recommendation for FY 2022. Landscape Grant
Revenue highlights. For FY 2022, revenue of Operations Economic
$10,000 is projected. Also, we are proposing to
transfer $150,000 to this fund, as we work to build recovery
its balance for future use. target industry $50,000
Expenditure highlights. We are proposing
expenditures of $232,500 from this fund for FY
2022 to support marketing initiatives and to assist Southlake businesses.
Fund balance. The ending fund balance is projected to be $2,744,779.
2035 eCOnOmiC
masTer Plan
ED15: Maintain ongoing, DEDicatED
funDing to achiEvE EconoMic
DEvElopMEnt goals by continuing
invEstMEnt in thE EconoMic
DEvElopMEnt invEstMEnt funD.
34 FY 2022 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK