Page 32 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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            for CCPD activities through the new sunset period,
            2038, as authorized by the voters in May 2017.              CCPd fund exPendiTure highlighTs

            The  use  of  district  funds  is  defined  by  State  law.   highlighT      iTem        exPendiTure
            The primary  use of the  fund is to pay  for  School
            Resource Officers at Carroll ISD schools, as well as                                       2.5% cost of
            for needed materials and equipment for the Police                                         living base pay
            Department.                                                                                adjustment;
                                                                                   Pay adjustment
                                                                                                      Merit, Market
            Revenue  highlights.  For  FY  2022,  $1,999,550  is                                         where
            anticipated in sales tax collections for the District,   Personnel                         applicable
            along  with  $4,725  in  interest  income  for  total
            revenues of $2,004,275. This is a projected increase                   Health insurance     0.1% rate
            of 12.1% compared to the FY 2021 adopted budget.                                            decrease
            The budget was approved by the District Board of
            Directors at their July 29, 2021, meeting.                             Dental insurance      1% rate

            Expenditure     highlights.    Total    operating                      Ammunition cost
            expenditures  are  adopted  at  $1,813,505  for  FY                    increase             $73,800
            2022.  Planned expenses for the operating budget
            were  approved for funding  by  the Crime  Control    Equipment        SWAT Equipment       $50,763
            and Prevention District Board of Directors.
            Adopted  operating  fund  expenditures  include                        replacement          $40,410
            ongoing allocation of dollars for the School Resource
            Officer program, as well as equipment needed by                        New CAD
            the Police Department.                                                 / Record             $65,000
            Indirect charge/transfers. A transfer of $80,171 to
            the General Fund is planned for an indirect charge.
            A transfer of $1,000,000 is planned for the CIP.                       Virtual training     $140,000
            Fund  balance.  The  ending  fund  balance  for the                    Body-worn
            CCPD Operating Fund is projected at $3,995,125.                        camera

                                                                                   replacement and      $100,915
                       The budget of the Crime Control and                         cloud storage
                       Prevention  District  supports  the
                       focus area of Safety & Security and                         Social Sentinel      $13,000
                                                                                   - social media
                       the strategic corporate objective of
                       “Achieve  the  highest  standards  of                       alerting program
                       safety and security.”                                       LEAD (Law

                                                                  School Resource   Against Drugs)
                                                                  Officer (SRO)    education and         $8,551

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