Page 28 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 28


            including debt service – through fees levied for the
            services provided. Revenue and expenses related             Utility Fund Expenditure Highlights
            to garbage  service  are  also accounted  for  in the
            Utility Fund.                                            Highlight           Item         Expenditure

            Revenue  highlights.  The  Utility  Fund  revenues                                        2.5% cost of
            are  projected  at  $32,608,200  for  an  increase  of                                   living base pay
            $1,814,400. This is a 5.9% increase when compared                      Pay adjustment     adjustment;
            with the FY 2021 adopted budget.                                                         Merit, Market
            Expenditure highlights.                               Personnel                            applicable
                                                                                                       0.1% rate
                                                                                   Health insurance
            Personnel.    The  Utility  Fund  includes  resources                                      decrease
            needed  to  manage  and  operate  the  City’s  utility
            system. This fund will cover its portion of employee                   Dental insurance     1% rate
            cost  of  living  adjustments  and  the  increases  in                                     decrease
            benefit  costs  as  described  in  the  General  Fund                  Enterprise Asset
            portion of this letter.                                                Management
                                                                                   System (50%
            Other  highlights.    Funding  has  been  requested                    Technology
            for  equipment  and  facility  improvements.  A  few                   Infrastructure      $120,000
            highlights of supplemental requests for the Utility                    & Security
            Fund  are  shown  in  the  table  and  are  specifically   Operations  Fund/50% Utility
            related to providing water, sewer, and/or garbage                      Fund)

            Total expenditures in the Utility Fund are adopted                     LTE water meter
            at $26,534,778, a 2.8% increase from the FY 2021                       transponders        $400,000
            adopted budget.

            Indirect  charge/transfers.    We  have  budgeted  a
            transfer of $1,304,328 from the Utility Fund to the General Fund to cover indirect expenses and for payment
            of a franchise fee. A transfer of $8,128,000 to the Capital Improvements Program is also budgeted.

            Fund balance. The FY 2022 Adopted Utility Fund budget provides 288 days of working capital, or  $20,960,264.
            This exceeds the City’s fund balance policy for the Utility Fund, which states that the “…goal shall be to
            maintain a fund balance of 60 days of working capital in the Utility Fund…with the optimum goal of 90 days
            of working capital.”

                       Most of the items included in the FY 2022 Adopted Utility Fund Budget address the focus
                       area of Infrastructure.

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