Page 24 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 24


            As previously noted, total General Fund operating
            budget revenues are expected to  increase by              general fund exPendiTure highlighTs
            6.7% for FY 2022, recognizing the 20% homestead
            exemption and impacts to revenue associated with        highlighT          iTem         exPendiTure
            the adopted tax rate decrease.
                                                                                                      2.5% cost of
                                                                                                    living base pay
            Figure 10 on the previous page shows the distribution
            of General Fund revenue sources.                                      Pay adjustment      adjustment;
                                                                                                     Merit, Market
                                                                                                   where applicable
            The General Fund also recognizes $2,174,423 that
            will be transferred in from the Utility Fund, Storm
            Water  Utility  Fund,  Hotel  Occupancy  Tax  Fund,                   Health               0.1% rate
            Southlake  Parks  Development  Corporation,  Crime                    insurance            decrease
            Control and Prevention District, and the Community
            Enhancement  and  Development  Corporation  to                        Dental           1% rate decrease
            cover indirect costs borne by the General Fund. Note                  insurance
            the  transfer  is  shown  “below  the  line,”  meaning
            it  is  not  shown  as  a  revenue  line  item.  However,             Dependent            $52,500
            these dollars are available for operating expenses,                   healthcare cost      (all funds)
            if  needed.  For  FY  2022,  indirect  charges  are  not              increases
            needed  to  balance  the  General  Fund  budget.  The                 HSA
            transfer will go straight to the budget’s bottom line,                administration        $5,000
            ensuring an optimum fund balance.                                     costs                (all funds)

            Expenditure highlights. The General Fund accounts      Personnel                           $22,000
            for all expenditure activity not specifically accounted               Longevity pay        (all funds)
            for in other funds, including the operational expenses
            for  public  safety,  engineering,  planning,  finance,               HR Business
            legal and administrative oversight. FY 2022 adopted                   Partner (FT)
            expenditures  total  $43,539,922  and  represent  a                   (Reclassified        $16,101
            2.4%  increase  over  the  FY  2021  adopted  budget.                 from full-time
            Some of the growth is attributable to general service                 HR Generalist)
            cost increases, while a portion of it supports service
            enhancements,  unfunded  mandates,  or costs that                     Library
            exceed certain market benchmarks due to unusual                       Manager (FT)
            circumstances or anomalies (such as an extremely                      (Reclassified        $11,074
            high  number  of catastrophic  health insurance                       from full-time
            claims).                                                              Librarian)

            The following highlights capture  key  aspects of                     Application
            adopted General Fund expenditures for FY 2022:                        Developer I (FT)
                                                                                  (Reclassified        $52,808

            The City of Southlake is a service organization and                   from part-time
            most of the operating expenses are related to labor                   Intern)
            costs.  For  FY  2022,  more  than  70%  of  planned
            expenses are personnel-related.  An explanation of
            some of these costs is provided as follows:

                                                                           BUDGET  BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  23
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