Page 20 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 20


        changes related to operating revenues.  This budget provides for optimum fund balances, see Figure 4.

        More than 70% of the City’s General Fund budgeted expenditures are related to personnel costs. It is the
        City’s goal to provide for a fair compensation and benefit program to ensure a stable and high performing

        Multi-year  financial  planning  is  another  budget  development  consideration,  perhaps  one  of  the  most
        important. The multi-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) identifies the projects that will be undertaken
        for the upcoming five-year period, as well as projects beyond that timeframe. The operational impact of
        all identified projects is evaluated, and those costs are incorporated into future budget projections. Trends
        that depict the long-term financial health of the City are monitored and ultimately used to make deliberate
        decisions in order to reach financial and service goals.

        The City has taken an additional formal step to understand and plan for the organization’s financial future
        by adopting the Sustainability Master Plan as an element of Southlake 2030. The development of this
        plan involved a deep dive into economic and financial trends that will influence the budget long term. It
        contains formal recommendations to ensure desired positive outcomes. The Sustainability Master Plan is
        included in the Appendix of this document.

                                       serviCe delivery exCellenCe

        The City of Southlake is committed to providing residents, businesses, and visitors with high quality, high
        value public services.

        Figure 5 is the City of Southlake’s organizational chart, showing the departments and reporting relationships.
        Strategy execution is a fundamental part of the City’s operations.  Department Directors regularly review
        progress  toward  meeting  performance  targets,  including  assessments  of  key  accountability  indicators
        (performance measures) and success in addressing Council-identified critical business outcomes.

        Each department has its own Strategy Map built around the department’s core services and a performance
        scorecard  that  includes  performance  measures  and  targets  that  drive  business  decisions  (see  City
        Department  Overview  section  for  more  information).  Attention  is  also  given  to  meeting  performance
        expectations in accordance with the City’s values: Integrity, Innovation, Accountability, Commitment to
        Excellence, and Teamwork.

                            finanCial infOrmaTiOn and fund summaries

        The City’s budget is comprised of specific “funds” to account for the revenue and expenditures that support
        operations.  Funds also account for debt incurred for capital improvements.  Some funds are supported
        by tax revenue, while others are supported by fees that have been put into place to cover the cost of the
        service. Some funds are restricted for specific purposes, while others offer more spending flexibility.

        This letter has been organized to describe each fund and to highlight key aspects of the budget for each.

                                                                           BUDGET  BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  19
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