Page 25 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 25
Positions. The budget proposes increasing the general fund exPendiTure highlighTs
General Fund full-time equivalent (FTE) count by
0.918 FTEs. The increase is due to the reclassification highlighT iTem exPendiTure
of two part-time positions to full-time positions and
the addition of one part-time position. Municipal
An explanation of the changes is provided as follows: Court Officer
Personnel (PT) (83%
• Application Developer I: This position reclassifies (cont.) Court Security $2,794
an existing part-time Intern position in the Fund/17%
Finance and Technology Services department to General Fund)
a full-time Application Developer. This position Economic
provides additional capability to provide Development
application development and support for data Personnel Specialist (FT)
analytics, dashboards, integrations, and GIS - Service (Reclassified $48,243
solutions that are needed for City services. Enhancement from part-
• Economic Development Specialist: This position time Events
reclassifies an existing part-time Events Specialist Specialist)
in the Economic Development and Tourism
department to a full-time Economic Development Operations
Specialist. This reclassification reallocates - Legislative Single audit $10,000
resources to support business retention Mandate
and expansion efforts, economic research, Target industry
data assembling, technical assignments, and
marketing and media communications. recruitment $5,000
• Municipal Court Officer: This part-time position Operations support
will provide additional security support to the - Service Bob Jones
municipal court. This position is 17% funded in Enhancement Nature Center
the General Fund and 83% funded in the Court Barn Raising $5,000
Security fund. community
Additionally, two positions are adopted to be
reclassified, although they will not increase the Proactive
overall number of positions or the FTE count. In
the Library, the budget proposes reclassifying one cleaning for city $60,000
Librarian position to a Library Manager. In Human facilities
Resources, the budget proposes reclassifying an City-wide
HR Generalist to an HR Business Partner. These tree trimming
reclassifications of current positions align the (moved to
staffing needs to the City’s current service demand. Operations General $30,000
Fund from
Compensation. The City Council adopted its current Reforestation
compensation system on August 6, 2013. The system Fund)
supports the City’s strategic approach, provides for
a financially sustainable model, and ensures a fair Increase to
and predictable method of career progression and library materials $25,000
internal equity.
24 FY 2022 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK