Page 39 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 39


        sPeCial revenue funds                                           sPeCial revenue funds

                                                                        exPendiTure highlighTs
        The City of  Southlake accounts for revenues
        and  expenditures  of dedicated or special           fund                  iTem            exPendiTure
        purpose  funding  in  several  special  revenue                                             2.5% cost of
        funds as described below.                                                                  living base pay

        Commercial  Vehicle  Enforcement  Fund.                          Pay adjustment            Merit, Market
        State  law  requires  that  fines  and  forfeitures   Commercial                              where
        associated    with     commercial     vehicle    Vehicle                                     applicable
        enforcement  activities  be  segregated  for     Enforcement
        accounting  purposes.  Therefore,  a  new  fund   Fund                                       0.1% rate
        was established in FY 2013.                                      Health insurance            decrease

        For FY 2022, we are projecting total revenues                    Dental insurance             1% rate
        of  $25,300.  Expenses  total  $157,095.    A                                                decrease
        General  Fund  transfer  of  $150,000  into  this
        fund  is  planned.  The  ending  fund  balance  is                                          2.5% cost of
        projected to be $99,564.                                                                   living base pay
                                                                         Pay adjustment
        Court Security. This adopted budget includes                                               Merit, Market
        funds  from  the  payment  of  fines  and        Court Security                               where
        forfeitures.    Use  of  these  funds  is  restricted                                        applicable
        for  court  security  items,  per  State  law.  The              Municipal Court Officer
        adopted  budget  anticipates  revenues  of
        $24,300. Adopted expenditures of $72,435 are                     (PT) (83% Court Security     $13,641
        planned to enhance the overall safety of the                     Fund/17% General Fund)
        court with the use of security personnel and
        including  other  operational  expenses.    The   Court
        projected ending fund balance is $345,620.       Technology      Virtual Court Technology     $4,000

        Court  Technology. The adopted budget                                                       2.5% cost of
        includes funds from the payment of fines and                                               living base pay
        forfeitures. Use of these funds are restricted,                                             adjustment;
        per State law. The adopted budget anticipates                    Pay adjustment            Merit, Market
        revenues  of  $25,425.  Adopted  expenditures                                                 where
        of $8,830 are planned to include funding for                                                 applicable
        projects to optimize the use of technology for   Hotel
        municipal  court.  The  projected  ending  fund   Occupancy Tax   Health insurance           0.1% rate
        balance is $293,510.                                                                         decrease

        Hotel  Occupancy  Tax.  The  Hotel  Occupancy                    Dental insurance             1% rate
        Tax is  authorized under the Texas Tax Code,                                                 decrease
        Chapter  351.  The  City  of  Southlake  adopted                 Wayfinding sign
        Ordinance No. 769 in February 2000, levying                      maintenance /                $50,000
        a 7% tax on room receipts. The tax on hotel                      replacement
        rooms is providing the revenues to the City in

       38    FY 2022 City of Southlake  |  BUDGET  BOOK
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