Page 38 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 38


            College District, Tarrant County Hospital  District,
            and the Carroll Independent School District (CISD)         Tif disTriCT exPendiTure highlighTs
            have participated at varying levels as investors in
            TIRZ #1 by assigning their ad valorem tax dollars as    highlighT            iTem        exPendiTure

            In  2018,  TIRZ  #1  was  extended  for  an  additional                School Resource
            twenty years. This means that funds will continue     Personnel        Officers            $312,376
            to be collected on the incremental tax value and
            invested in the zone for an additional twenty years.
            These tax dollars are  restricted and  may only  be
            used for improvements or maintenance of facilities    Infrastructure   Town Square
            within the TIRZ #1. The City of Southlake and Carroll   Improvements   Camera              $1,415,000
            ISD will be the only participating entities with the                   Replacement
            20-year extension.
                                                                                   Town Square
            The projects funded in the FY 2022 adopted budget     Community        public space
            were identified in the TIRZ #1 Project & Financing    Enhancement      enhancement         $450,000
            Plan, adopted by the Board of Directors and City                       projects
            Council in August/September 2018.

            Revenue  highlights. The incremental value
            assigned to TIRZ #1 for FY 2022 is $508,142,995
            which is a 1.4% decrease from the valuation for               DID YOU KnOW?
            the  FY  2021.  This  translates  into  anticipated
            revenues for the TIF District Fund of $10,084,269,     Since  its  implementation  in  1998,  TIRZ
            including  interest  income.  Revenue  projections     #1  has  generated  over  $132  million  in
            include estimated Carroll ISD payments based on        revenue for investment, and to further the
            a three-year average.                                  economic  development  goals  of  the  Zone.
                                                                   These funds have been used for numerous
            Expenditure  highlights. Total  expenditures           public  infrastructure  projects  such  as  the
            for  FY  2022  are  adopted  at  $9,054,055.  These    construction  of  Town  Hall  as  well  as  the
            expenditures  are  attributable  to  CISD  TIRZ  #1    development of parks within the Zone.
            projects  identified  in  the  project  and  financing
            plan, as well as personnel and operations costs to
            be undertaken by the City. Notable projects for FY 2022 include funding for the School Resource Officer
            program, Southlake Town Square security camera replacement, and landscaping, sidewalk, and crosswalk
            enhancements in Southlake Town Square.

            Fund balance. The ending balance for this fund is projected at $6,091,721, most of which is designated for
            educational uses.

                       The establishment of TIRZ #1 and the use of the captured revenues for improvements in
                       the District supports the focus area of Quality Development and the strategic corporate
                       objectives of “Providing attractive and unique spaces for the enjoyment of personal
                       interests,” and “Attract and keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic and sustainable
            economic environment.”

                                                                           BUDGET  BOOK   |  FY 2022 City of Southlake  37
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