Page 269 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 269
Major Capital Equipment Capital Projects
Department Project Title Project Number
Information Services Public Safety Technology IT1702
Project Description
Upgrade and replace the current mobile video in-car systems, servers and data storage. Currently, 50 patrol units have video
systems installed. This project also includes the purchase of body cameras and video data storage for police department, as well as
the replacement of MDC's for the Police Department. This project will also include the replacement of 25 mobile data computers for
the Fire Department. The units were purchased in 2008 and maintenance can no longer be obtained. This project includes
replacing the units and installation of the docking stations.
Project Justification
Racial Profiling reporting requirements as well as the evidentiary value provided by the in-car video system to the courts is an
integral tool for today's law enforcement departments. Citizen interactions are recorded and can be viewed for complaint
investigation or training purposes. The new release of the equipment will also provide the latest innovation of live streaming video
from the police vehicle back to the station for supervisors or commanders to monitor. Current in-car video system has reached
end-of-life (by 2 years) and manufacturer/vendor will not warranty any software and hardware.
The current Fire MDC units have achieved end-of-life status. These units are used by Fire Department vehicles for receiving
dispatched calls, entering incident records, and inspections. This purchase also includes a five year warranty on the units.
Project Status Update: Project is in year 4 of 5 of the body camera replacement program.
Funding Source is Reserves at $1,076,000; Information Technology Reserves for the Fire MDCs at $156,000 as well as a grant from
the Governor's Office.
Project Schedule Beginning Date Ending Date History Fiscal Year Amount
Professional Services Adopted Budget 2016-17 $1,306,000
Engineering/Design Total $1,306,000
Land/ROW Acquisition
Other 10/2016 09/2018
Total Schedule 10/2016 09/2018
Sources of Funds Appr. To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Funding
General Obligation Bonds
Certificates of Obligation
Federal/State Grants 75,817 0 0 0 $75,817
Reserves 1,230,183 0 0 0 $1,230,183
Sales Tax
Total Funding $1,306,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,306,000
Project Costs To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Cost
Professional Services
Land/ROW Acquisition
Other 1,306,000 0 0 0 $1,306,000
Total Costs $1,306,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,306,000
Operating Impact
Software and hardware maintenance.
Fiscal Year 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 Total Impact
Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0