Page 255 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Internal Service Funds
Internal Service Fund Statement
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Change from Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted Amount %
Charge for Service 43,886,927 43,630,298 43,630,298 44,987,575 1,357,277 3.11%
Use of Money & Property 5,609,168 3,893,295 3,893,295 3,883,269 (10,026) -0.26%
Other 87,765,759 87,099,323 87,099,323 89,225,899 2,126,576 2.44%
Transfer In 352,749 12,163 12,163 10,663 (1,500) -12.33%
Total Revenues 137,614,603 134,635,079 134,635,079 138,107,406 3,472,327 2.58%
Use of Fund Balance - - 2,750,000 87,597 87,597 0.00%
Salaries & Benefits 23,245,772 22,851,242 22,851,242 23,391,129 539,887 2.36%
Gen Operating & Maintenance 99,740,342 111,149,449 111,399,449 114,033,015 2,883,566 2.59%
Transfer Out 1,872,274 634,388 3,134,388 770,859 136,471 21.51%
Total Expenses 124,858,388 134,635,079 137,385,079 138,195,003 3,559,924 2.64%
Contribution to Fund Balance - - - - - 0.00%
Revenues Over(Under) Expenses $ 12,756,216 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0%
Internal Service Funds finance the goods and services provided by one department of the City of Fort Worth to
another. Departments utilizing services provided in-house are charged a fee by the Internal Service Fund
department providing the service. The Internal Service Fund departments depend upon revenue generated from
those fees to support all departmental functions. The city currently operates four funds on this basis: Capital
Projects Service, Fleet and Equipment Services, Group Health and Life Insurance, and the Risk Financing Fund.
Information Systems, previously categorized as an internal service fund, is now included as a department within
the General Fund.
The Capital Projects Service Fund, through the Transportation & Public Works Department and the Property
Management Department, provides engineering services for other city departments. Engineering services
provided include project design and management, surveying, quality control testing, and construction inspection
for all water, storm drain, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects.
The Fleet and Equipment Services Fund enables the Property Management Department to procure and manage
fuel and acquire, maintain, repair, and dispose of vehicles and equipment in the city fleet.
The Group Health and Life Insurance Fund coordinate the health insurance programs for active employees and
their dependents. It also provides basic life insurance and manages the Employees’ Wellness Program.
The Risk Financing Fund, which manages the Risk Management and Workers’ Comp Divisions, is responsible for
property and liability insurance and claims management, coordinating loss identification, reduction, and
prevention programs, and providing workers’ compensation benefits.
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