Page 250 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Enterprise Funds


                                                          FY20           FY21            FY22
            Key Measures                                 Actual        Estimated        Target      Desired Level

            Financial Viability

               This service area focuses on the financial health of the organization. Metrics based on this perspective allow management to gauge
               indicators related to cash collections to funding capital debt.

            # Days cash on hand (days funded operating)    171            171            171           100-150
            Ratio of outstanding debt to total assets      0.24           0.24          <=0.30          <=0.50

            Infrastracture Strategy & Performance

               This service area focuses on the condition of and costs associated with critical infrastructure assets.

            # of main breaks & leaks per 100 miles of main  22.5          47.8          <=14.2          <=14.2
            Infrastructure Leakage Index                   5.03           5.03          <=3.00          <4.00

            Operational Optimatization

                This service area ensures ongoing, timely, cost-effective, reliable and sustainable performance improvements in all facets of operations.

            # authorized water positions per 1,000 population  0.53       0.53          >=0.39          >=0.39

            # authorized sewer positions per 1,000 population  0.61       0.60          >=0.36          >=0.36

            Water Resource Sustainability.

               This service area ensures water availability consistent with current and future customer needs through long-term resource supply and
               demand analysis, conservation and public education.

            Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) - In City    155            162           150.13          <168

            Enterprise Resiliency

               This service area ensures utility leadership and staff work together to anticipate and avoid problems.

            Employee turnover rate                        12.7%           22%           <=10%           <=10%

            Customer Satisfaction
               This service area provides reliable, responsive, and affordable services in line with explicit, customer accepted sevice levels. Receives
               timely customer feedback to maintain responsiveness to customer needs and emergencies.
            % of calls answered within 60 seconds (water call   79.47%   58.73%        >=85.00%       >=80.00%

            Product Quality

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