Page 503 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                          Goal 2: Support and Expand Programs to Reduce Environmental Impacts
                                   Objective 1: Mitigate Operating Costs and Impact on Environment
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             Core   Advanced Metering         Install 4,500 meters and MIUs in FY   Economic Development and Capital
             INF    Infrastructure            2021                              Investment (Water)
                                                                      Milestone         Estimated     Actual
             The City of Arlington Water Utilities will install 9,000                  Completion   Completion
             meters and MIU’s in 2021 through an ongoing meter   Wrap up FY 2020 Installs   Sept. 2020   Sept. 2020
             replacement program and water line renewals.      Begin MUI/Meter Installs   Oct. 2020   Oct. 2020
                                                               Council Approval of Meter  Feb. 2021   Mar. 2021
             The MIU receives input from the meter register and   Replacement funding
             remotely sends data to a fixed base data collector,   Council Approval of   June 2021   Apr. 2021
             located at one of five elevated storage tanks around   Annual Meter Supply
             the City. Top of the hour readings and other diagnostics   Contract
             are instantly forwarded to the network allowing for a   Complete MIU/Meter   Sept. 2021   Sept. 2021
             greater awareness of the distribution system and   Installation for FY 2021
             possible on property leak conditions.  In addition, the
             MIU stores up to 35 days of hourly consumption,
             providing the utility with the ability to extract detailed

             usage profiles for consumer education, such as water
             conservation, and billing dispute resolution.

             Arlington Water Utilities has installed 3,043 meters in
             the 4  quarter of this fiscal year. We installed 8,200
             meters this fiscal year. However, we did experience
             supply chain issues with our supply of MIUs due to the
             microchip shortage.  Our vendor could not fulfill our
             supply request from May 2021 through the end of the
             fiscal year. Accordingly, we were only able to install
             7,481 MIUs. We did exceed our forecasted modified
             total of 4,500 MIUs installed. Fiscal Year 2021‐22 will
             continue with the meter change‐out goals but will
             include the MIU totals as supply chain limitations allow
             as we are expected to receive intermittent re‐supply of
             MIUs until August 2022.

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