Page 506 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                          Goal 2: Support and Expand Programs to Reduce Environmental Impacts
                                   Objective 1: Mitigate Operating Costs and Impact on Environment
                         Project                    Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             Core    Recycling                Residential Recycling Collected (Tons)   Shared Services (Asset Management)

             The City of Arlington continues to educate residents on     Residential Curbside Recycled
             proper recycling to lessen contamination rates, increase           Tons Collected
             participation and improve the quality of residential
             recycling materials. Staff has actively been participating
             in a Regional Recycling Campaign through the North    2,000
             Central Texas Council of Governments, and along‐side
             other regional stakeholders, to decrease curbside    1,500
             contamination of residential recyclables and present a
             unified recycling message across the region.       1,000
             The City of Arlington also provides recycling drop‐off
             locations at each library, which can be used by residents
             who live in multi‐family developments that may not
             provide recycling services.
                                                                         Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  Jan.  Feb.  Mar.  Apr.  May  June  July  Aug.  Sept.
             In the 4  quarter of FY 2021, the City collected 5,750
             tons of curbside recycling and slightly over 39 tons at   Library Recycling Drop‐off Locations
             library drop‐off locations. In comparison, during the 4            Tons Collected
             quarter of FY 2020, the City collected 6,348 tons of
             curbside recycling and slightly over 44 tons at library    25
             drop‐off locations.
             During the 4  quarter of FY 2021, the City hosted 3    15
             monthly household hazardous waste collection events.
             FD firefighters who staffed the events accepted    10
             household hazardous waste from 312 homes. During the
             4  quarter of FY 2020, Arlington did not conduct these    5
             events due to COVID‐19.
                                                                      Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  Jan.  Feb.  Mar.  Apr.  May  June  July  Aug.  Sept.

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