Page 501 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                      Goal 1: Plan, Manage, and Maintain Public Assets
                                    Objective 2: Maintain City Standards for all Municipal Buildings
                            Project                     Performance Measure(s)       City Service Team (Department)
             Core    CARES Act Funding – Engineering   Completion of projects by the   Shared Services (AM)
             INF    Controls and Work‐space         federal deadline for CARES Act
             1.2.4   Improvements                   Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF)
                                                                     Milestone          Estimated     Actual
             Asset Management (AM) will oversee the design and                          Completion   Completion
             construction of capital improvement projects to   Initial Project         July 2020    Sept. 2020
             mitigate the spread of COVID‐19. These improvements   schedule/development
             include but are not limited to the installation of   phase
             engineering controls such clear, plastic sneeze guards,   Develop program for space   July – Aug.   Sept. 2020
             motion‐sensor bathroom fixtures, door access at   planning and engineering   2020
             various facilities, air circulation and ventilation   controls.
             modifications.  Improvements also include remodeling   Architect/engineer RFQ
             of existing facilities and reconfiguration of works spaces   Architect/engineer   Aug. 2020   Aug. 2020
             to comply with social distancing guidelines of   selection process
             maintaining individuals 6 feet apart.            Architect/Engineer contract   Sept. 2020   Sept. 2020
                                                              approval and execution
             For FY 2020 the goal is complete projects by December   Design            Sept. 2020   Sept. 2020
             30, 2020.                                        Permit review process    Sept. 2020   Oct. 2020
                                                              Bidding                  Oct. 2020    Oct. 2020
             Update:                                          Council approval         Oct. 2020    Oct. 2020
             For the 4  quarter of FY 2021, work is still in progress   Construction phase   Nov. 2020 –
             on the 3  and 6  floors of the City Tower.  All other                     Aug. 2021
             work at the City Tower, as well as Ott Cribbs Public
             Safety Center, and City Hall are complete.

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