Page 398 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Champion Great Neighborhoods
Goal 2: Expand and Enhance the City’s Image
Objective 2: Develop a Sense of Place
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
CGN Park Improvement Projects Overall satisfaction with programs and Neighborhood Services (Parks)
2.2.2 facilities
Julia Burgen Park /TxDOT Grant (New Development): Description Estimated Actual
There is an existing 1.06 miles of trail currently in Julia Completion Completion
Burgen Park. This project involves adding approximately .3 Julia Burgen Park Aug. 2022
miles of concrete trail that will provide a connection from the TxDOT
existing trail to the on‐street bike path along Pecan Street, River Legacy Park Oct. 2021
ultimately linking to the UTA campus. Project includes the Bowman Branch Dec. 2020 Aug. 2021
preparation of bid documents and construction of new trail. Linear Park
Harold Patterson May 2021
Update: Sports Center
Plans are nearing 90%, final environmental comments have
been addressed, and easement execution is underway.
River Legacy Park (Re‐development):
Realignment of approximately 1.3 miles of 12’ wide concrete
trail. Project includes the preparation of bid documents and
construction of new trail.
The archeological survey and permit for the new bridge
location have been submitted to the Texas Historic
Commission, and the new hydraulic model related to the
new bridge is pending COA Stormwater Division review.
Design work continues on the new bridge.
Bowman Branch Linear Park (New Development):
Construction of approximately 1.4 miles of 12’ wide trail from
Webb Community Park to New York Avenue.
The project is complete.
Harold Patterson Sports Center
Renovations of multipurpose fields including
Concession/restroom building, sports lighting, parking/traffic
and beautification.
Project is substantially complete. Punch‐list items are being
addressed. Site furnishings are on backorder and expected in